Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Now Who Couldn't Use A Little 'Penetrating Relief'


  1. Looks like a deleted scene from Mentholyptus Mountain.

  2. must you make everything seem tawdry? such a lovely moment between two nasal sufferers, and you cheapen it. I'm not sure how, but we will deal with that later. Anyway, those things taste nasty.

  3. Oh my. The first time I visited, the video didn't appear. There was nothing visible between the title of the post and the "posted by" info.

    It was just the title and I thought you were posing a burning question.

  4. MJ-
    Yeah, I saw the same thing. I went to edit the post and all the embedding info was still there. I deleted it and replaced it and, bingo it was back.

    Probably just Blogger being it's typical, winsome coquettish self.
