Friday, February 26, 2010

Peacock Blue and White


Contestant number one is this pert and spunky little '56 Thunderbird in it's original condition.  Always a classic.


Contestant number two, however, is this modified '76 Caddy.  Extended front quarter panels (acting as horse blinders to the headlights), the 'I've got a cool idea' reintroduction of fins, and the slapping on of Continental style rear tire cover, make this car one hot mess.  It looks like a middle aged former chic beauty that a reversal of fortune has caused to go to a cut-rate plastic surgeon and get some really bad work.   A Car and Driver version of a 'Glamor Don't' if there ever was one.


  1. Car #1: I'm just tellin' ya that I'm a pushover for gleaming chrome and fins.

    Car #2: Make it go away.

  2. My fourth grade teacher Mrs. Mulholland had this exact same ‘56 T-bird. I’ve wanted it ever since. It’s the first thing on my list for when I win the lottery. Gotta be peacock blue and white!

    As a side note; Mrs. Mulholland and Mrs. Purvis the other fourth grade teacher went to see Elvis in concert and they both caught a sweaty towel he threw into the crowd. Mrs. Purvis snatched it out of her hand and she never spoke to Mrs. Purvis again. A fact that she whined about to our class every day for the rest of the year.

    Also when I win the lottery I plan to buy a sweat stained Elvis towel off EBAY and trade it for Mrs. Mulholland’s T-bird.

  3. You know, I kinda go for the Incorrectly. I mean, if you handed me #1, I'd take it in a flash. But when I see that Eldorado, my eyes light up. That's just me.

  4. The t-bird is exquisite. But we both know Huggy Bear cannot wear his pimp hat or do the 'gangsta lean' in that tiny car. Where the bitches supposed to sit? He is missing the tv antenna in the rear, but cash money says he has got 'diamonds in the back, sunroof top, diggin the scene with his gangsta lean'. I would drive that caddy to the front door of the local boutique hotel, hop out, toss the keys and say "Wash it, Gas it, and turn it around my brother!" Valets love when you do that. I once did it with my corvette.

  5. And act like you did not spend quality time in Paul's 1976 lime green Cadillace Eldorado Convertible. I'll come out there and slap you. Your spitfire would fit in his glove box, with room for my fiat 850 spyder. The 70's were SO very classy. Or did I mean cheesy?

  6. "It looks like a middle aged former chic beauty that a reversal of fortune has caused to go to a cut-rate plastic surgeon and get some really bad work."


    #2 is truly a case of "When Bad Things Happen To Good Cars" .....SMH

  7. darling, you sure know your corrects from your incorrects.
