Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Another Pleasant Valley Monday!

About noon yesterday, my darling pal Charlie and I took off to wander the wilds of the San Fernando Valley!

One of the  things I love about the Valley is that, unlike LA proper, there are large pockets that are frozen in their respective time periods.  And you can see streets that still look like they did in the 40s, or the 50s, or the 60s, etc. 
So, me being me, and Charlie obliging, we first wandered through a couple of thrift shops, you know, just to work up an appetite.  The first one offered up no gifts.  The second wasn't much more generous, BUT-- I did manage to find this cunning little device called a 'Nab-A-Nap'! Unused and in it's original box.  It will be going in the Etsy shop:

I've also been needing a basic cheap wall clock for the kitchen and happened on this:

By now, we were good and hungry and so it was off to:
Imagine my delight when Charlie announced that since I was kind enough to do all the driving, he was buying lunch!  Said lunch was a pork barbecue sandwich with both macaroni salad and potato salad (I felt my starch count was a little low) and a refreshing Arnold Palmer to wash it down with.

The next stop was the highlight of the day. (Cool Cookie, MJ, TJB and Kabuki Zero are gonna plotz!) We paid a visit to "Daddy Caddy":
Between the lot and the showroom, Frank has so many of 'em jammed in there that's why these pictures are all in closeup; there's no room to get a complete car in the frame!

After this ocular orgasm, we were so wiped out it was time to head home.  And we were attempting to do so when suddenly I saw a sign and screeched to a halt.  I grabbed my biggest recycled shopping bag from the back seat intending to do some serious consuming, but it was a case of false advertising:

They sell motorcycle parts! No johnsons and no wood!  Somebody oughta call the Better Business Bureau.

Back on our side of the hill, we had one last thing to attend to:
This gave a wonderful day a very happy ending.


  1. I am sitting here, quietly chanting "nabanap, nabanap, nabanap...." It's very meditative.

  2. I often daydream of visiting Frank Corrente's.

  3. re: cadillac corner...i'm sending you an email, just so you know not to exclude me from future groups.

  4. Touchy, Touchy! To clarify: NO GROUPS HAVE BEEN STARTED.

    When groups are started you will be informed in advance as to the initiation fees, one-time start-up fees, monthy dues and annual surcharges. All payable to ME!!!

  5. please forgive! didn't mean to start anything or exclude anyone. how about we all go for a long ride in my isotta fraschini...max will make believe drive while we're towed!

  6. First we'll stop by Schwabs and I'LL get those fancy cigarettes for you (that Bill Holden is worthless as an errand boy) then we can go to Paramount and watch you bitch out the guard at the gate! Wheeeee.

  7. I wonder if the Nab a Nap didn't come standard with the Cadillac.


  8. that green fastback makes me moist!

  9. Just went to his site. Pretty fab.

  10. When I lived in L.A. in the early 1970s, I was afraid of the Valley... now I wish I had done some exploring. If I am in L.A. will you take me on an adventure?

  11. That damn Normadesmond took my line!

    *exits,leaving wet spot*
