Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Metropolitan Museum of Goodwill - 4th in a series.

Found in a thrift shop in North Hollywood (that no longer exists) about ten years ago:

It's a wood block print of two boys with a yo-yo.  I love the suggestion of one set of angel's wings surrounding them.  It's signed: Charlotte Weston and A/Proof.  Can't find out anything about her but the piece makes me very happy.  Hangs in the dining room.
Paid $10.


  1. I always wanted a yo-yo. Then I met you, and I put aside childish things. Because then I wanted mini-skirts and go-go boots. And with your help I found them. You are such an enabler - but in a GOOD way. Thats why I love you. Now come over and help me set some pirate furniture on fire.

  2. *grabs lighter fluid and zippo*

    Give me about 2 minutes!
