Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Website Is Up, The Website Is Up!!!

It's been a very busy couple of days around here, what with selling tickets (oh yes I have!) and trying to stretch my nontechnical mind to wrap around building a website:

But at long last -- SUCCESS!  Now, before you get too excited and rush over to have a look, I have to say; it's a pretty uninspiring website.  But let's think on the bright side shall we.  The more tickets that are purchased, I'll be that much closer to being able to hire a web designer to spruce things up over there!

So before you hop in the car to come and take the tour:

You have to go to the new website and shop for your tickets!


  1. for someone unfamiliar with setting up a web site, it looks more than presentable darling....kudos!

  2. I am so impressed! Maybe I can convince my Hubby to visit & take a break from dull, upscale Nor Cal suburb. I'd say that whole "follow your bliss" thing were it not so trite.

  3. Brilliant and easy to navigate.

    Now go get 'em, Tiger!

  4. well, it suppose to be in 3D, can I download and watch? will it show normally?

  5. what about badges? kabuki feels the need for badges, preferably shiny ones. Of course yours will be the brightest and shiniest. As troop leader that is only obvious. And remember- kabuki knew you when.

  6. Congratulations Felix, and the best of luck (not that you'll need it)!This sounds like it might be your calling.
