Saturday, December 18, 2010

Mystery Guest, Will You Enter And Sign In Please!

Ok, the RULES haven't changed.  If you've seen this picture before, or know for sure who this is, feel free to send me an email, but for the sake of unbridled mystery and tension, let the gang have a go at it in the comments section.

This one is going to be either very easy or very difficult, I'm not sure which.  Of course with you lot of smarty pants, probably easy.

Ok, ready, set.....

.......Name That Skirt!


  1. Gosh. When you mix in all that deco design, silent era stuff I really have no clue. These chicks could be anybody from Mary Pickford to Joan Cusack or Angela Lansbury to Angelina Jolie.

    That nose. I knows that nose.

    I’m guessing Clara Bow for the moment

    Can I tell you how much I love love this kind of stuff?

  2. yup, myrna. that loy nostril always gives her away.

    those curls are just lovely!

  3. Those do look like her nostrils, but then again, I have never been very good with profiles.
