Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring Things.

Mary Carlisle

Barbara Kent
Okay I know we're still a couple of weeks away from Easter, but there's no point in waiting to sound the trumpet for these two Easter basket beauties.

What's all the trumpeting about, you ask?  Well it just so happens that Mary Carlisle and Barbara Kent happen to be the two former WAMPUS Baby Stars that are still with us!

Mary, born 1912, was named a WAMPUS Baby in 1932, and Barbara, born 1906, achieved WAMPUS-dom in 1927!


  1. ok that lady just scared the easter right out of me. creepiest.easter.bunny.ever

  2. ok that lady just scared the easter right out of me. creepiest.easter.bunny.ever

  3. Wow! I didn't know Mary C was still with us. I've always liked her. And I.O.U. a return call. Any room for me this Sunday?

  4. You bet, honey. (sending you an email).

  5. Barbara Kent 1907-2011 RIP :'(

    Mary Carlisle 1912-now you turned 100 today!!
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday Mary Carlisle
    Happy birthday to you...
