Friday, April 1, 2011

Tag, I'm It....

Yesterday I gave a tour to my wonderful friend Steve and members of his magnificent family that included his adorable infant daughter Sofia, his Mom and Dad, Sister and Brother-in-law, and recently relocated cousin.  Joining us was also my dear friend and neighbor Donato.  Despite the unexpected 90 degree weather, a great time was had by all.

After the tour Steve and family walked to a Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf that is on the tour route for a little refreshment.  Upon leaving the establishment they came across a site that, while I walk by it every day, I'd never noticed:

I swear I didn't do it.  If I had, it would have been much neater.

In related news, I received a two-sentence mention in today's LA Times.  Not really an article that I would have chosen to be associated with.  It seems the Starline Tours (the company that crams you 50 onto a bus and drives you around to show you the walls that block the views of celebrities' homes) is teaming up with TMZ to produce some sort of 'celebrity/reality show star/paparazzi/stalker tour'.  My company seems to be mentioned as juxtaposition and alternative to that, so I'm cool with it.  And, after all it's the first mention I've received in the press, so I'm also very thankful. 

Hey all you journalists, editors and TV segment producers:  It's not too late to get on The Felix In Hollywood Tour Company bandwagon!


  1. darling, a mention is a mention....way to go!

    and in related news, some celeb
    just had a baby & named it felix.
    don't tell me you had nothing to
    do with that!

  2. To quote the king of pop, "the kid is not my son."

  3. the only thing worse than being graffitti'ed is not being graffiti'ed. now that you have been identified in print can fame and stardom be far behind? hell no.

  4. Sweetie! The only bad press is no press! Congratulations!

    Can't wait to schedule our tour when we come out in the fall!

  5. I'd know Donna's handwriting anywhere!
