Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sales Force

Mitzi and the boys, gettin' brassy
Buster.  Just a goyim.

Natalie Wood.  A fudge packer?


  1. Part of Levy's ad campaign was a picture of a very dark skinned child photographed like Buster, mouth wide open and ready to chomp on a piece of their rye bread. My father hung that picture over the TV in his family room in the 1970s and I was APPALLED by what it suggested. I may have been ten, but I knew that it wasn't that far of a jump to a piece of watermelon. His grieving widow asked if I wanted it. I threw it in the trash as an act of defiance. Now had it been Buster, I'd have kept it.

  2. You KNOW I loves me some Mitzi Gaynor!

  3. Cool rare advertising images! Gaynor is sexy, Keaton looks iconic, but Wood pitching cookies is the biggest shock of all!

    Thanks for sharing!
