Friday, March 23, 2012

Enough, Already. ENOUGH!!!

Money grubbing Developer Madness looks like it's about to strike again.....

It started life in 1919 as a studio built by Presenter Jesse Durham Hampton.

In 1922 Doug and Mary gave it their name.

In 1927 it becomes the United Artists Studio.  Sam Goldwyn also becomes a partner in the lot property.

In '33 Joe Schenk and Darryl Zannuck bring their fledgling 20th Century Pictures in to join the rest of the gang on the lot.  They would leave a couple of years later when they merged with Fox.  (Don't Mary and Doug look delighted?)

In 1939 Sam wrangles a name change - to his name.  It will hold that name until 1980 when.....

....Warner Bros. buys the property to be their Hollywood annex.

In 1999 Warner's sold the facility to a company called B A Studios (?) who renamed their acquisition "the lot".  the lot "is managed exclusively by Skye Partners".

B A and Skye have bided their time for over a decade now and, apparently, it's time to strike.  Like all development in Hollywood that involves historic property, there is a complete hush-hush, lack of disclosure going on about this but, from what people have been able to discern, they intend to demolish somewhere between 4 buildings and the entire lot at the end of April to redevelop the land.

Now if all the other recent development in town is a guide, this will result in more glass towers with lofts/condos/rental units upstairs (that will wind up somewhere below 50% occupied) and chain store retail on the street level.


Some lovely people have created an online petition as a gift for the developers and it would mean ever so much to me if you would go and sign it.  It's as easy as clicking here

They have a facebook page as well that you can like here

I'm so tired of crying after these place come down.  It would be wonderful to maybe head it off for a change.  At least we can try.  Thanks folks.

p.s.  wanna here something funny?  I got all of the images for this post from the Skye Partners website!  Apparently they just love the history - for marketing purposes.

Apparently the property is now in the clutches of CIM developers.  Here is an article from the LA Times....

***Major Update***

If you are in the LA area and are available this Sunday, April 1, come on out and do a little picketin' and protestin' with me!

***Final Update...Scenes from a Murder***


  1. I'm on the East Coast, and feel this travesty 3,000 miles away. Maybe they'll just construct a cluster of cell phone towers instead, as that's all that matters anymore, apparently.

    Signing in the petition.

  2. and what is so wrong about a t.j. maxx next to starbucks? with maybe a nice mcdonalds, or even an all-nite dennys? walmarts are always nice and classy as well

  3. what are you all going to do to pay the taxes othese spots , the owners can do as they wish with their own property . oh yea great we saved a old studio lot , oh wee pee doo , seriously I dont see the reasoning behind this.

    arent there already enough monuments to this MONENY Hungry , self loving industry. ..lets pay $15 a movie so we can all see them on tv later giving themselves awards as we arebombarded by adsselling us more stuff....

  4. Ah, spoken like a true....anonymous.

    Perhaps you would do well not to visit this blog anymore as it seems to be a waste of your time.
