Wednesday, July 25, 2012

At The End Of Her Film Career One Thing Is Certain...

Kay Francis, 1946

...It was her eyebrows that did her in.


  1. what is she using for foundation. kabuki will guess house paint

  2. but i'm adoring that ring & bracelet!

  3. It looks as if Kay sees Carole Lombard looming behind the photographer.

  4. From Kay's diary:

    March 8. Kay appears in "Let Us Be Gay" at the Sombero Playhouse in Phoenix, Arizona.
    March 27. Kay appears in "Let Us Be Gay" at the Penthouse Theatre in Jacksonville, Florida

    Apparently, she did not take her own advice.

  5. Good lord - I'm a KayManiac, and I've never seen this one. Photos of her after 1945 are vanishingly rare.

    Her time at Monogram looks to have really taken a toll.

    On the other hand - the emeralds (and the pearls) were real. She may have been something of a toper (which does catch up on one), but she had great taste. In everything except men and screenplays.

  6. My heart really goes out to Kaye. Unseated from her thrown by Bette Davis and Warners, she went from being a top star to an asterisk. And then there was her wreally weird thing with wr's. She was talented, and she was well liked in Hollywood - not like that cunt Kristen Stewart

  7. That special look that the divine Kay "Fwancis" had, eyebrows and all, worked best in black and white. She should have done something different for a color photo.
    She was always top notch in her films, even of the films were not topnotch and very unique.
    A real professional and very unique.
