There was a time before the interwebs, before television actually, that magazines were a major and constant source of entertainment and information. Everybody subscribed, read and discussed the latest issues.
Magazines themselves were larger, heavier, more substantial than they are now. None of this People or Us crap! And many contained extraordinary cover art.
One of the best examples of this was a magazine from out here on the Left Coast. It was generated by the American Automobile Association or, more specifically, the Automobile Club of Southern California. It's name.......
1939 |
1953 |
1955 |
1969 |
1978 |
Nothing lasts forever. Westways went to cover photography in 1981. And while the Great Magazine golden era has passed, the venerable Westways still enjoys the 10 largest circulation in the US - larger in fact than People, Time and Newsweek!
Current Jan/Feb 2012 Issue | | | |
Why, you ask, the sudden interest in Westways. Well I'll tell ya kiddies, for starters it's not sudden. I've been a fan for years. Oh, and also, the just called
The Felix In Hollywood Tour "The Real Scoop"! Thank you Westways.
congratulations, once again!
there is a AAA magazine here for the upper midwest.
it is NOT noteworthy.
it makes kabuki wish he had learned to read. are there any pictures?
We are pleased that our master plan for you is working.
Great covers. And, congrats!!
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