They were just your ordinary, every day, average American Couple:
But what most people don't know is that Ted Shawn (1891-1972) was also a master impersonator:
Ted Shawn as Auntie Mame
Ted Shawn as Diana Ross
Ted Shawn as Marlene Dietrich
Ted Shawn as Cher (the Cherokee years)
Ted Shawn as Aimee Semple McPherson
He just loved doing Ross
Ted Shawn as a high fashion model
Ted Shawn as Anna May Wong in Piccadilly
Ted Shawn as the great Mahalia Jackson
Ted Shawn as Swanson in Sunset Blvd.
Ted Shawn as Adam....and Eve
And in what was perhaps his greatest creation -
Ted Shawn as Josephine Baker!
And in what was perhaps his greatest creation -
Ted Shawn as Josephine Baker!
Ted Shawn would like to thank you.
What a cutie! I remember reading about him in a biography of Louise Brooks and he really sounded like a cool, creative guy!
i think he's lip-syncing to "i'm livin' in shame" in that second diana photo.
Yes I first read about him in that Lulu book too.
Ok, I have google home page with all of our favorite blogs set up on it, and they list the first few posts on each. Well, I haven't had enough coffee yet, so I thought this said, "The Many Moods and Stylings of Dick Shawn."
He may be next!
you got me to LOL on the Mahalia Jackson.
I thought of you when I was doing that one!
It's nice to see that he owned at least one pair of slacks.
Even as a civilian, I know quite a bit about Modern Dance, but I am a bit shocked that you are intimating that Mr Shawn might possibly have been a homosexual. I spent a certain amount of time with him in the 1960s & he never tried to suck my cock...
He did say:
"I believe that dance communicates man’s deepest, highest & most truly spiritual thoughts & emotions far better than words, spoken or written."
I did a tribute Denishawn when I appeared in SPICE ON ICE- THE ALL MALE-ALL NUDE ICE SKATING REVUE in Vegas.
I always love stopping by Felix In Hollywood. It makes me feel that I am part of the SMART SET>
And we thank Mr. Ted Shawn for entertaining us, today.
these were great, love the Josephine Baker - I needed the LOL
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