Felix In Hollywood

A Blog for the Smart Set

Thursday, December 24, 2009

True North Pole Confessions

"Listen Jeffery, I don't care if they're listening, I don't care who hears me. I love you, do you hear, I Love You! And as soon as the old boy heads out tonight, we're busting out of this burg. We'll go to Hollywood, where no one knows us and we can be ourselves. Maybe we can even get into the movies. Oh darling, it'll all be so different there."


1904 said...

Oh my oh my, Felix. SO much to get caught up on here. I shall be very busy, but don't mind me, I won't be any bother, I'll just look about, quiet as a mouse.
Loving you to pieces, and merry xmas, 1904

Philip Mershon said...

Quiet as a mouse, or loud as a souse, there is always a seat for you in this club, my dear boy.

Merry Christmas to you.

And to All, from the Felix in Hollywood Family (of one).

kabuki zero said...

All I need this christmas is the forbidden taste of your lips. Xtreme holiday wishes - and don't skimp on the faggy pudding! kabuki

Philip Mershon said...

Kabuki Zero, dear readers, is an escapee from on of the east coast's finer psychological, shall we say, 'Rest Facilities'.

Kabuki Zero is also evil incarnate.

Nonetheless, we welcome him with open concern.

The Mistress said...

I can't find an option to comment on Kabuki's blog.

Perhaps Kabuki is trying to keep the riff raff out?